Ceva Animal Health
CPD Presentation Development
United Kingdom

Ceva Animal Health

We produced an innovative presentation using storytelling, video, photography & illustration for Ceva Animal Health; effectively capturing the interest of the viewer & motivating vets to take action.

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the challenge

One hour lunch and learn presentations had been a mainstay of the sales process for Ceva Animal Health UK for many years; but the attendance and time to present to vets had become increasingly challenging.

We developed a short, innovative presentation using storytelling, video, photography and illustration that effectively captured the interest of the viewer and motivated vets to take action.

Feline hypertension is a core topic in the brand portfolio of Ceva Animal Health. For their territory development managers, the time available for their face-to-face presentations as well as the engagement had diminished over the last two years due. Typical presentations would last for 45-60 minutes and had become lost amongst the mass of similar CPD offered by competitors.

THE process

We began with a workshop, introducing the whole team to the concepts and techniques behind effective storytelling and how they can be applied to education — making for a powerful tool.

Our experienced creative team then worked to produce a storyline that emotionally engaged the viewer and communicated the most important aspect of feline hypertension. After this, we created a set of bespoke illustrations, photographs and videos to supplement the presentation visually.

"Working with Toby and his team at Trimble Productions was an absolute pleasure and I know that we would not hesitate to use his services again. Toby was able to instil the power of storytelling into our project and transform what we had into something far more impactful, meaningful and memorable. Well done Trimble Productions, we look forward to working with you again in the future."

Jimmy Bratley
Veterinary Technical Advisor Ceva Animal Health UK
Ceva Animal Health
Ceva Animal Health

THE solution

We developed a short, innovative presentation using storytelling, video, photography and illustration that effectively captured the interest of the viewer and motivated vets to take action.

The Deliverables:

  • Our comprehensive veterinary storytelling and course design workshop
  • Storyboarding and scripting
  • A bespoke, high-quality presentation
  • Illustrations, photography and video that communicates the subject in an effective way
  • A trailer to motivate vets and veterinary nurses to attend upcoming workshops
  • A one-day presentation delivery workshop with our experienced coaches